Ghost mannequin services

Guarantee the attractiveness and authenticity of your clothing photos through our specialized services. Explore the transformative effects of our expert ghost mannequin photo editing, meticulously crafted to elevate the visual appeal of your apparel images and ultimately boost the revenue of your brand.


What is ghost mannequin?

Ghost mannequin, also known as invisible or hollow mannequin, refers to a technique used in product photography, particularly for clothing. It involves taking pictures of garments on a mannequin or model and then editing the images in post-production to remove the mannequin or model, leaving only the clothing.

The process creates a “ghost” effect, as the clothing appears to be floating or standing on its own without any visible support. This technique is commonly used in the fashion industry for online product listings, catalogs, and advertisements, as it provides a clean and professional look to showcase the clothing without any distractions. Ghost mannequin photography is especially useful for displaying the fit, details, and design of garments in a consistent and visually appealing manner.

Who Need Ghost Mannequin Service?

Ghost mannequin services cater to a diverse range of clients within the fashion and apparel industry. This includes clothing brands, retailers, and e-commerce platforms seeking polished and consistent product images for their online stores and marketing materials. Professional photographers and studios, as well as fashion designers looking to showcase their collections, often utilize these services. Advertising agencies may incorporate ghost mannequin techniques for fashion clients in marketing campaigns, while online resellers benefit from enhanced visuals for their product listings. Overall, ghost mannequin services offer a valuable solution for achieving high-quality and visually appealing representations of clothing products in various contexts.

Type of Ghost Mannequin Service

Ghost mannequin services come in various types, each catering to specific needs in the fashion and apparel industry. Here are some common types of ghost mannequin services:

Neck Joint service

This process eliminates the neck portion of the mannequin from the image, resulting in a picture free of any mannequin components around the neck. This service is applicable to various items such as T-shirts, vests, and jackets. The material’s front and back halves in the image are seamlessly connected to create a unified representation, with no presence around the neck area.

Symmetrical Ghost Mannequin Service

Through our Symmetrical Ghost Mannequin service, we can attain diverse clothing symmetries, encompassing right-side and left-side symmetry, front and back image symmetry, and symmetry originating from the center. We adeptly balance mirrored proportions, providing a natural and consistent symmetrical appearance to the clothing.

Sleeves Joint on Ghost Mannequin

The sleeves joint effect enhances long sleeve, quarter sleeve, and short sleeve gowns. This technique involves removing the mannequin section of the sleeve, creating a hollow appearance in the image. Our skilled Photoshop professionals achieve this effect by eliminating the mannequin and connecting the back section of the sleeve from another shot. This process allows customers to observe the inside of the sleeves. This aesthetic is particularly well-suited for dresses like sweaters, suits, and jackets.

3D Ghost Mannequin Service

A significant majority of our clients, exceeding 80%, choose our invisible ghost mannequin services to bring their clothing to life in three dimensions. Through the meticulous process of 3D ghost mannequin editing, the final result conveys the illusion of someone being inside the garment, yet remaining unseen. This transformative approach presents a tangible and realistic quality, surpassing the flatness of traditional 2D ghost mannequin images.

Sample Work of ghost mannequin



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